Friday, March 5, 2010

Mommy Will You Pray?

Last night at 1:30 am I was woken up by Gunner crying. His legs cramp at night. This is pretty normal during the spring and summer months when he gets to run and play outside.

So last night I went in to check on him and he told me it was his legs. I gave him some Motrin and laid down with him to rub his legs until the Motrin could kick in. I told him the medicine would make his legs feel better soon. He responded with "Mommy will you pray too?" Yes little buddy...anytime we are taking medicine we should pray too! We prayed that God would touch his legs and make them feel better soon. I silently prayed that God would take the pain away immediately so that Gunner would see first hand that God answers prayer. By the time I said amen Gunner was sound asleep and I was able to stumble back to my own bed and we all slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

I love that my little boy is seeing the value of seeking the Lord anytime we hurt and in this case I didn't have anything to do with his desire for that prayer.

1 comment:

Laura said...

It is times like this that remind us that what we are teaching WILL eventually sink in..and that it is all worth it!

What a sweet little man he is!

It was good talking to you last night! You are a great momma!