Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Disobedience--Gunner's putting it all together

If you have hung out with me and Gunner I'm sure you've heard me say at least once that I want Gunner to be 'respectful and obedient.' To me those words cover the majority of things in life. Respect others, their space, their time, their things and obey, do what your asked to do the first time. (We are adding self-control but really if we could master those 3 things, I think we would have a fine young man on our hands.)

ANYWAY...tonight on the way to church Gunner starts telling me that Jonah was inside a whale for 10 days (so he's a little off on his facts), and that their were other fish and crabs in the whale, and it was dark and stinky. He then asked me why Jonah was in the whale. I told him because Jonah was disobedient. The conversation went on for a while until finally Gunner had the courage to ask the question that was on his mind "Mommy if I'm disobedient are you going to put me in the whale's belly?"

No wonder my boy didn't like Sea World!


Giles Family said...

What a GREAT conversation! I love catching those glimpses of the direction our kiddos minds go :)

Becki Francy said...

So cute! Little advice from someone who has learned a hard lesson - don't promise something you can't go through with. Unless you have a whale around the house I don't konw about! It would be so tempting to say "yes"!