Monday, February 9, 2009


Well today was the big day!

We reported to St Francis Children's Hospital at this morning for Rylee's MRI. (The Children's Hospital is an impressive facility.) Everything went well. We just had to deal with the normal stresses here and there.

She was a trooper when they started the IV. Just cried enough to let them know she was hurt--her hand hurt and I think her feelings were hurt a little too. Ed conveniently had to go to the bathroom right when they came to start the IV!

We were told the MRI would take about 30-45 minutes. Unfortunately it took a lot longer then we thought. She was away from us for about 2 1/2 hours. We were told it took longer to 'get her on the table' than they expected. This could be because they actually had to do general anesthetic rather than just a sedative in her IV. So we had the tube down the throat and everything. Apparently they also ended up doing more scans once they got started. The waiting was tough on Daddy!

Recovery was tough on Momma. She was crying, wouldn't eat, and coughing like crazy. They also couldn't get a good pulse-ox read. Thankfully she looked good so they were not overly concerned about that. But the machines kept beeping and they kept having to mess with her feet to readjust trying to get a better read. Recovery lasted about an hour. She did decide a little sugar water sounded good and took about an ounce of that finally!

We have not heard from Dr Raley. Hoping to hear from him in the morning. I will update when we hear something.

Thank you for your prayers. The extra scan has me a little concerned but I am trusting in the Lord with my little girl. Look at that beautiful smile--love her!
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